Bradbury 13
Broadcast Year: 1984
Total Episodes: 13
In 1984, Brigham Young University recorded thirteen stories by Ray Bradbury which were then broadcast on National Public Radio. It was a high-quality show narrated by Paul Frees, and introduced by Bradbury himself.
Bradbury Media
Radio Horror Hosts
Dark They Were, And Golden Eyed
Mars colonists wonder about the ruins up in the mountains. After the rocket depot on Earth is destroyed by war and they are trapped off-world, they learn to enjoy swimming in the canals and slowly, like the planet’s own children, begin to change. One man tries to build his own rocket to get home, but the rest of town convinces him to abandon his project and move to the villa on the hill. They grow so different that when Earth finally is able to send a ship, they recognize the settlers as native Martians… and the Martians don’t remember ever being Earthlings. [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
Fox and the Forest, The
In a dystopian future, a couple escape back in time. Because the man is important to the “bomb project”, a hunter is sent to bring them back. The hunter isn’t who you think! (Or maybe it is, it’s pretty transparent.) [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
Happiness Machine, The
Leo likes to tinker in the garage and invents a machine that will give people happiness. The beautiful sights, scents, music, the endless sensation of dancing, are all too effective. He tries it on his wife and her drop coming down from the experience leaves her a wreck. A morality story. Turns out real, lasting happiness comes from the inside. It took a housewife from the old country to slap some sense into the man. [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
Here There Be Tygers
A geological engineer on an interplanetary mining expedition has a different experience from the rest of the crew when they encounter a planet that seems to customize a paradise for its inhabitants. They all have to run when the attempt to exploit her resources makes her mad. [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
Six surviving astronauts float toward death in space after their ship collides with a meteor. They recount their rivalries and regrets, meanness coming out as they reflect on their accomplishments. One man wishes he could do just one more good thing as he goes home to make up for what he sees as an empty life. [Adapted from Ray Bradbury] (Also on Suspense)
The Man
Was this a Christmas special? When a rocket lands on another planet, the captain is fascinated by tales of a Christ-like visitor he just missed. Good sound effects! [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
Night Call, Collect
A colonist left behind when Mars is evacuated receives a phone call… from himself! Too bad his younger self had a cruel streak. [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
Ravine, The
Young women eager for a night on the town are worried about “The Lonely One,” a strangler who strikes near the ravine. Lavinia has to walk home alone. Guess where? Thick tension and a twist ending. (See also: “The Whole Town’s Sleeping” by Suspense, a better version with Agnes Moorehead.) [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
Screaming Woman, The
A girl hears a woman’s cries from under the ground of an abandoned lot– but no one will believe her! Most suspenseful story ever! (Also by: Suspense) [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
Sound of Thunder, A
A dinosaur hunting safari in the future brings weekend-warrior hunters to the past for a T-Rex trophy photo op. Just don’t stray from the path, or shoot the wrong thing… The smallest thunder lizard can move a distant star. [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
There Was an Old Woman
A woman’s philosophy states she does not believe in death. When they carry her body away in a wicker basket, she goes to get it back! [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
The Veldt
A family gets a new “play room” (a holo-deck) to cover for the parents’ absenteeism but the kids appropriate it for revenge. [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]
The Wind
A man visits the Cavern of the Winds and learns its secret. It’s made of the dead. It wants to grow stronger, and it knows he’s seen too much. [Adapted from Ray Bradbury]