Dark Fantasy
Known Episodes: 31
The show’s writer was Scott Bishop, who also wrote for The Mysterious Traveler and The Sealed Book. It originated from station WKY in Oklahoma City and was broadcast on NBC stations nationally.
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Radio Horror Hosts
Coffin for Two
(See: Funeral Arrangements Completed)
Convoy for Atlantis
Three ships have disappeared in the same region. The search vessel is hijacked by a Man from Atlantis who needs the metal from their ship, too!
Cup of Gold
A priest on a planet called Vento mails incense to a woman who then kills a golf pro. She’s a reincarnated Ventonian. (Venus + Pluto = Vento) They play golf on Vento and a tournament is coming up.
Curse of the Neanderthal
A painter is lost in a haunted canyon at night, and is led out by a spirit. Bones found there are a Neanderthal’s who has become a helpful “swarf”… until his bones are moved.
Dead Hands Reaching
Great grandfather’s voice gives a man prophetic advice to better his life. Instead of listening, he takes opium and dies in a dream searching for lost gold.
Death Is a Savage Deity
A woman’s fiancee is warned to stay away from the pond, but drowns. Next, a man with perfect sight goes blind. Turns out the hateful lady of the house Aunt Juana learned sorcery in Haiti! …Luckily, the family lawyer did too!
Debt From the Past
A woman takes a job in a mysterious building from midnight till dawn and receives a check for a full week’s wages the first night. When she returns in daylight, the office is empty! Is it 1942 or 1912?
Delicate Case of Murder, A
A medium tricks her husband’s lover during a seance when he asks for a divorce. After a car accident involving both women that kills the medium, the mistress has brain surgery and survives… with the medium’s voice!
Demon Tree
A tree in the deep woods kills people. The trail is lost, the fog sets in. A group discovers they are descendants of the family the tree revenges itself upon.
Edge of the Shadow, The
Man has a prophetic dream that allows him to change events. He forgot his 3pm escape flight to NY was in the dream. (Too bad I didn’t.)
Funeral Arrangements Completed
A man inherits a mansion, but is tricked by a ghostly innkeeper and a man in a coffin. Then his wife is dragged to a lime pit. A trap-door! Buried silver! Vengeance from the grave! Motif #1
Headless Dead
Trapped in the Tower of London, a man sees an unearthly procession and promises to return if only he can escape, but he believes it was a dream and does not return…
House of Bread, The
This isn’t weird horror, its a religious tract. If Scott Bishop hadn’t introduced it personally I’d doubt it was a real episode. Scott is inspired by a dream to seek “The House of Bread,” and decides to walk the Earth like Caine in Kung-Fu. Guess what Bethlehem translates to?
I am Your Brother
The brain of an amazingly brilliant scientist is preserved, his story told by perhaps his only friend: his murderer. The brain… survives!
Letter From Yesterday, The
An inventor is beaten to the patent office, but his sweetheart marries him even though he is ruined. Then they find a letter in the attic. The letter is an identical “I’m ruined” letter from her father to his mother; a parallel occurrence from 53 years before. Yeah, right.
Man Who Came Back, The
A man is killed by his wife’s lover, but swears revenge. His ghost leaves behind the murder revolver for the killer with a single bullet inside. It’s the only way out…
Man with the Scarlet Satchel
An electrical genius asks to be buried with modeling clay. When he is dead and buried, items he was interred with show up… and there is something moving in the satchel!
Men Call Me Mad
A scientist shrinks himself into another world where they speak English. The patriotic American cures typhus and then returns… to an evil sister who declares him insane! Ha!
Pennsylvania Turnpike
Having sworn revenge on a red-haired man who held up his stagecoach, the stage driver travels through time to give a stranger directions into town.
Rendezvous with Satan
A jerk believes he can just make a deal with the Devil at the last minute to make up for a lifetime of evil. And he does! Find out what he does to achieve redemption.
Resolution 1841
Two couples spend New Year at the Old Cabot Place and one Mr. tobaC is soon “possessed” of strange behavior. In 1841 Jeremiah Cabot made a resolution to return in 100 years… and he does!
Sea Phantom, The
The captain of a ghost ship warns treasure hunters from the gold of a two hundred year old shipwreck. Do they listen? No.
(See: A Delicate Case of Murder)
Sleeping Death, The
Only a partial episode remains! A man endures a leg amputation from a “doctor” in an asylum that closed years ago. It’s really his disgruntled ex-employer. Soon another pretty young ex-employee arrives…
Spawn of the Subhuman
A female vocalist’s flight is hijacked. By a gorilla. Who sings opera. It is her ex-fiancee’s voice inside the simian! Guess what the mad doctor’s plans are for her? But wait… did the gorilla’s voice just crack?
Superstition Be Hanged
Three circus acrobats are told by a mystic they must carry a white feather… or die by hanging! The feathers are each lost in fun ways.
Thing From Darkness, The
A mysterious three-day sandstorm lands a pilot where white men are fed to leopards. An evil spirit is loose in the village. The moon goes behind a cloud and the leopards eat the king instead. Racist stuff where the native princess is really white.
Thing From the Sea, The
A couple are beset by calm on a yacht trip until a spirit from ancient Iban possesses the captain. A Pacific upheaval appears, and with ancient magic its king, Bul, will take over the world– unless Queen Lana can use the woman’s body to kill him!
W is for Werewolf
On a remote island, a man is researching lycanthrope. His son is a werewolf… and he escapes!
*Pictures from “Dead Hands Reaching” profiled in the magazine: Movie Radio Guide May 16, 1942