The Hall of Fantasy was one of the best horror shows of its era. Although it didn’t have the greatest production values or a creepy horror-host, it consistently had some of the best stories.
Two scientists build a robot in a local warehouse. Whenever you program a robot, be sure to include a “kill” sub-routine for self-preservation.
Beast with Red Eyes, The
A poor adaptation of “Green Tea”. A man drinks his tea, then a monkey-demon appears and follows him until he dies. [Adapted from M.R. James]
Black Figurine of Death, The
A dying man wills his estate to three relatives who neglected him in his final years. With a stipulation. The servants are murdered one by one, each found with a small figurine that the old man had said would indicate his presence.
Cask of Amontillado, A
A true adaptation of Poe’s classic, almost word-for-word. The story of an insulting braggart and a “friend” with the means and imagination to get revenge for his insults. A horrifying idea, but the delivery here is nothing special.
Castle of Lavoca
Backpackers come upon an ancient castle, and a frozen figure lay in the dungeon: Lavoka the legendary vampire who rides on the eve of war…
Crawling Thing, The
A chief scientist isolates the electro-chemical element that stimulates both growth and brain activity. He tests it on a tarantula. It gets big. And smart. It eats ALL the scientists!
Dance of the Devil Dolls
Tiny dolls do an animated dance at midnight at the behest of an old woman. The old toy-maker is killed and the dolls with her. Creepy tapping sounds!
Death in The Bayous
Moody and atmospheric despite the acting and racist character depictions. A dope thinks it’s a good idea to visit his wife’s jilted ex-suitor at Tine Oaks for their honeymoon. They are welcomed, but their host Thomas soon turns abusive and makes it clear if he can’t have Madeline, no one can. The cries of a servant lure Reggie into the quicksand swamps, a trap… and Thomas watches him drown! Tommy then hypnotizes Madeline to forget her lover and turn only to him for comfort. But the servant who drowned wasn’t forgotten.
Demon of Night
A man with hairy hands moves to town. When a woman is killed in her own home by a wolf that crashes through the window, the sheriff knows where to look!
Diamonds of Death, The
Don’t steal the diamonds or the idol will rise up and kill you in bloody vengeance, a group of treasure hunters are warned. When most are scared of by a fever, Carl offers them an incentive… made of lead. Then a wild animal yanks him into the trees.
Golden Bracelet of Amoniris, The
“Archaeologists” dynamite a dig in Egypt. The bracelet goes to the lead tomb-robber’s girlfriend… The mummy comes to get it back. Classic.
Hand of Botar, The
A man explains that his hand feels no pain, then it strangles him! The hand is removed before his burial… but soon returns to his home!
Hangman’s Rope, The
Mysterious hanging murders are preceded by the receipt of a tiny hemp noose. The King’s executioner, Jack Ketch, still walks the earth, leaving his biography in people’s houses and hanging unwary people in the new world!
He Who Follows Me
A couple unknowingly enter a tomb cursed by its inhabitant, Mr. Tanas. The inscription above the door warned them he would follow and bring death, but how far do they need to run to escape him?!
A man in antique dress is found dead, and his lost tribe must be informed. Why on Earth would you leave a corpse in your vacation home while you go for a days-long hike? The story had potential with the witch character, but she disappeared. They scare mean savages by throwing bullets in the fire. (For more: Cromm Crúac)
Jewels of Kali, The
Some men steal jewels from the Temple of Kali. Her priests follow, and the stone idol of Kali itself comes to collect! A lot of shouting and footsteps.
Judge’s House, The
A tenant in what was the home of an evil judge faces off against a giant rat with eyes identical to the Judge’s portrait. [Adapted From Bram Stoker]
Man in Black, The
Those who seek the man in black shall die after witnessing those they love die. But two men visit his mausoleum anyway, intrigued by a mysterious woman calling out for him.
Man From Second Earth
A radio operator invites a man from a planet with a dying sun for a visit. These “Earthlings” are liquid and can take on any form… and plan to colonize our Earth! Cold can’t stop them. Can a cigarette?
Man-Size in Marble
A man is warned by his housekeeper that the statues in the old church walk on the eve of All-Saints, and come to the very house where he lives with his fiancee, but he refuses to leave. On Halloween, he notices the stone slabs are empty. His bride is home alone. [Adapted from Edith Nesbit. Also by: Beyond Midnight]
A Jealous gambler murders an antique dealer, and a figure he believes to be the Devil urges him to kill the maid as well– at the cost of his soul? [Adapted from Robert Louis Stevenson]
Marquis of Death
A writer vacations in a town where there is a story about a vampire woman who haunts the local chateau. He meets her on the trail. After she lures the writer’s brother to his doom, he and a friend pursue her and stake her. Classic.
Mark of Shame
A soldier fights a duel with his evil cousin, who swears revenge at his killer’s happiest hour. When Hector falls in love, his wife is visited by a man who steals her heart. She wastes away with obsession, the red slap-mark of a duelist appearing on her cheek. [Adapted from “Eveline’s Visitant” by Miss Braddon]
Masks of Ashor, The
A couple is gifted two golden masks that were once stolen from a God of Death. Anyone who looks on his true face dies. His hound sniffs them out! The bad guy wins!
Night the Fog Came , The
A mysterious shimmering fog causes victims caught in it to drown on land! Microbial entities discovered in it pre-date human life.
Out of The Sky
An Obnoxiously loud flying saucer starts killing people in a small town. After tracking its radioactive signature, they drop an A-bomb on it!
Perfect Script, The
A radio writer is asked to his boss’ shore-side retreat to finish his script. He meets Mr. Marchantz’ crazy sister and a giant lunatic named George before he is drugged. He is forced to write what is occurring around him as George demonstrates the perfect… murder!
Return From Death
The only recently deceased this Frankenstein-type can find is on Death Row. When re-animating a killer, the mad scientist tries to give him an electrical lobotomy to eliminate his desire for murder… but the goon still goes all Pet Sematary on him. Creepy tension while the killer stalks the doctor’s daughter!
Sea Phantom
Two men vacationing together hear a voice beckoning to a ship in the bay. They board it, earning themselves an eternal sentence as crew members.
Shadow People, The
The shadows “want the girl.” When they can’t get her, they begin to kill her family one by one. Her only weapon: the light. They are just playing with her. When they are ready, they blow the fuse box and take her. They are still out there.
Silver Flask, The
Bidding on a historic flask introduces a group to a collector of objects. When one of them becomes obsessed with the cursed artifact, will he kill the collector over it?
Spectre Of Denston Castle, The
When a man inherits a castle, he learns that the Denstons were cursed to die a violent death by a witch who was burned at the stake… then buried in their basement! But it’s the real estate agent they need to watch for!
Stone’s Revenge
A weekend in a cabin in the woods is preceded by a warning about the vengeful ghost who inhabits it. There is a knock at the door… Death! To “escape,” they go for cigarettes, leaving a dead body behind!
Tell-Tale Heart, The
True to the original source. The story of one man’s guilt and another man’s leering, hideous, vulture-eye [Adapted from Edgar Allan Poe]
Temple of Huizilipochle, The
Two men are hired to scope out land in Brazil for oil and uranium, but a lost tribe of the Aztecs try to end their expedition. They escape.
Treasure of Kublai Khan, The
A man with a map and three of his friends are determined to discover a lost treasure despite the legend of a timeless guardian. Who, of course, shows up.
Twisting Weeds of Death
Bob investigates a light in a haunted house and witnesses a murder. The sea-weed haired ghost fingers her killer. Creepy ghost.
Wild Huntsman, The
A group is lured into the deep woods on a hunting trip. It is rumored that their guide once made a deal with The Wild Hunt to lead people to their doom in exchange for his own life. Then the guide himself turns up dead at the hands of a stranger on horseback. Is there any hope of survival?