The Nightmarys by Dan Poblocki Random House, 2011 325 Pages Ages 8-12
Tag: ghosts
The Ghost of Graylock: Book Review
The Ghost of Graylock by Dan Poblocki Scholastic, 2012 272 Pages Middle Grade (Ages 10-14)
The Stone Child
The Stone Child by Dan Poblocki Random House, 2010 288 Pages Ages 8-12 Years As the curtain opens, Eddie and

Hopeless, Maine: Personal Demons
Hopeless, Maine: Personal Demons (Hopeless, Maine #1) by Tom and Nimue Brown Archaia, 2012 128 Pages Young Adult The chronicles
Greetings From the Graveyard
Greetings From The Graveyard (43 Old Cemetery Road #6) By Kate & Sarah and Klise Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,

Interview: Vivian Vande Velde
Awake at Midnight welcomes Vivian Vande Velde, author of many children’s and young adult books that deal with magic,